On the Eighth Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – A Glorious Lightshow – Analysis of Device Connections

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Today we’ll be analyzing the knowledgeC.db and CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database for various connections. The first thing you may want to know in an investigation is – was the device plugged in or not? This can be gained from a few places.

The knowledgeC.db database tracks this information and can be parsed out by using the knowledge_device_pluggedin module. This will keep track of the plugged in and unplugged states of the device and for how long each of those events were as calculated out in the ‘Usage in Seconds’ column.

Similar data is captured in the CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database. The powerlog_lightnining_connector_status module extracts the same events, however I have seen in my own data some slight oddities, like the plug in/unplug events every minute or so – almost like the cable was loose (it wasn’t). Take that observation for what it’s worth, at least we can corroborate with other data!

Another option is the powerlog_accessory_connection module. This one also appears to be more accurate but I’m not entirely sure what all “accessories” would be covered. My own data shows connections to power cables, this would include my CarPlay connection.

Speaking of CarPlay, we can extract that connection information using the knowledge_device_carplay_connected module. This output only has the initial connection, not the disconnect event.

Instead of physical connections, we may also be aware of wireless connections like Bluetooth. We can use the knowledge_audio_bluetooth_connected module to extract this information from the KnowledgeC.db database. This output contains the Bluetooth MAC address and name of the device. I’m obviously rocking out using my AirPods like a good Mac Fan Girl. 🤘🎶

Next on the Bluetooth list is the Apple Watch. The knowledge.db database also keeps track if the device is near the iPhone to which it is paired. The knowledge_device_watch_nearby module will show if I walked away from my iPhone for a certain period of time.

In the Powerlog, the paired Apple Watch information is stored. It not really in a log format but could be useful information. I have yet to determine the significance of the timestamp, it is not the initial pairing of the device. This can be extracted using the powerlog_paired_device_config module.

Finally let’s look at Wi-Fi connections. The Powerlog is keeping track of each SSID that my phone has connected to, but the name is a bit odd, I’m still researching why it is using this naming scheme, ideas are welcome. The “SSID” is alphanumeric and always same length. The powerlog_wifi_properties module will extract this data.


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